Success Stories

I had cam acetabular impingement in both hips causing wear and arthritis at an early age. I had a Birmingham hip resurface on both hips. Before, my hip flexor region was very tight. From being unable to properly stretch and strengthen my lower body in general due to pain. After ordering the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program it wasn’t long before I noticed quick improvements in my flexibility in that area. Before this I wasn’t even aware that I needed to stretch that muscle. It has been tight for years and I didn’t have the knowledge to address it.” 

Jeremy Surratt

BJJ Fighter
Atlanta, GA

After 10 years and scores of medical interventions I had to give up a career I loved. Fast forward 20 years and I’m still in pain.

Then I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and it made a HUGE difference in little time. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Judith Cantil

Shreveport, LA 

I am 64 years old and fairly active. Was having pain in both hips and was wanting to get back into bowling again. I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors book and started doing the exercises before bowling. Gave me so much more flexibility and I did not hurt the next day. I also have started playing golf and can tell a big difference there as well. Benefits have been increased flexibility and less tightness in hips. I think the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program also helped my back as well. I will continue doing several times a week.

Ken Ingwersen

Clive, IA

I purchased the Unlock Your Hip Flexors a few months back. I knew it would cost much less than a doctor visit and I was in pain and had difficulty walking. I am literally walking proof that this works. I do the exercises whenever my hip flexors get tight now and am learning to strengthen my core.

It was invaluable to me and now I have a lifelong solution to my problem! I highly recommend this product!

Donna Anderson

Child Care Worker
Dallas, TX

“I always had tight hips which is affecting my running but the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program fixed it after doing for a few days. It also fixed my tight hamstrings and tight lower back. I can also feel my core activating just by walking. I feel there is no effort in my strides. Thank you very much!”

Noel Marcelino

Charlotte, NC 

I am over the moon happy that I saw the Unlock Your Hip Flexors and purchased the DVD with the book! I have been suffering with extreme pain in my left hip/glute. I am a runner and also do Pilates on a reformer religiously. Static stretches and warm up helped to an extent, but the deep pain in my pelvis resulted in knee pain while running.

In less than a week I am pain free and back to running without having to modify my training to “protect” myself. God bless!!”

Doreen R Neely

Springfield, TN 

“I’m a 52 y/o ex jock who still tries to be athletic. I’ve broken my neck twice and back 3 times and have bouts of sciatica due to lower back and hamstring stiffness. So, I researched ways to help me with that and I stumbled upon the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. I can’t believe the difference that it has made in my workouts and the way I feel the rest of the day.”

Ronnie Deal

Clinical Laboratory Scientist
Abilene, TX

I’m a floor installer, and I have degenerated disc disease for years. I recently hurt my lower back, but since I started with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, I feel a big relief and a great improvement on my mobility.

Nelson Sepulveda

Nelson Carpets & Installation LLC
Spanish Fork, UT

“I have spent 2 years in terrible pain been through MRI’s with the diagnosis of inflammation in my hip flexors on both sides , I go to a chiropractor 2x a month . No help in 2 years. I’ve cried just trying to go up stairs or walk . Sleep was difficult because I tossed and turned because the pain would wake me. I’m a very active person so it’s been emotionally hard on me as well.

Then, I received the Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVD two days ago and I can move freely! The pain is nonexistent! I cannot thank you enough. I just ordered another DVD for pain. I’m only 47 and I don’t need to feel like I’m 90. Thanks again”

Lynn Christinson Mitchell

Wayzata, MN 

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program has been the answer I was looking for! I never knew how large of a muscle group the hip flexors were, and they were the root of most of the pain I experience. I felt instant relief the 1st time I did it, and regular use has caused higher areas of my spine to “unlock” as well. Since then, I recommend this program to anyone who will listen!

Tricia Skrede

Dog Groomer
Viroqua, Wisconsin

It’s been about a week and a half now since I started doing The Pain Hacker program and every day I am feeling better. I woke this morning without my usual hip pain. So, thank you very very much.

Your DVD has given me motivation to start looking after myself again and doing a lot better job at it.

Linda Verlinden

Brisbane, QLD, Australia 

I am only half-way through The Ultimate Holiday Feast Cookbook and already wowed!

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to all from Europe!”

Martina Roters

Kuhardt, RP, Germany

“I’m a very active person. I do Zumba 4 times a week and get try to get 8 miles in each day. I have had a minor procedure for sciatica so I know back pain. As I get older, I try to listen to my body. I had a few massages where my psoas was worked and I loved how I felt afterwards. I had been getting sore and stoved up.

When I saw the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, I knew I had to try it so I could add to my stretching routine. Now, I love how I feel afterwards. Thanks!” 

Beth Glasco

Lakeside, CA 

The Warming Winter Recipes Cookbook enliven my taste buds and help to get better. Many thanks! 

Stephen Fletcher

United Kingdom   

Prior to getting the Plantar Fasciitis Relief In 7 Days program, I was miserable. The pain from the Plantar Fasciitis was unbearable and I could hardly walk. It is an undeniable fact that the Plantar Fasciitis Relief In 7 Days program made my life so much better!

Jacqueline Lanoix

Quebec, Canada 

I was not exercising at all – mainly because I was afraid. Exercise for me had been unpleasant, sometimes painful. But since I started the Invincible Core program, I am not afraid to exercise! Using the exercises and techniques taught by Rick has made me see exercising in a whole new way. The Invincible Core really understood my problems. The instructions are also clear and easy to follow. Most importantly, the price is reasonable and it’s very good value for money

I wish you and Invincible Core everything good for the future!

Sylvia J Richards

Nova Scotia, Canada 

Prior to the Frozen Shoulder Solution program, I had trouble with day to day activities, exercise and sleeping. Since starting the program, I have been able to sleep with minimal discomfort and have started upper body exercises again. I can now reach up for objects on the top shelf of my pantry! I also feel I have my strength back in my arm. The main benefit of Rick’s program was that it was easy to do, easy to follow and mostly pain free.

John Cooper

Melbourne, Australia

Thank you Rick and Exercises For Injuries! I used Rick’s Fix my Shoulder Pain and it has really made a noticeable difference. So cheers Rick!”

Richard Applegate

Manchester, UK 

“I have been doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises and they have helped me very much. I can sleep on my right side now, a month ago I couldn’t. So thank you Rick. I also do the nine stretches you said to do every day and I feel so good and have more energy. For the first time in my life I actually enjoy exercising.”

Delcie Norris

Lake Hamilton, FL

I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Physical DVD. I love it. It has definitely helped me with mobility . Great info and it works. Well worth the $. Thank you!”

Diane Andraka

Owings, MD 

I started Unlock Your Hip Flexors and I have been doing the video twice a day, every day and I have already felt an improvement in my hip flexors which is great. Can I just say that its been so effective already as I had this problem on my hip flexors for years and for this to help me just by doing simple exercises is just amazing I am truly grateful.

Despina Willoughby

Homebased Cake Business
London, UK

The last 3 years have been really rough. Lots of sitting in the hospital with my husband then I had my foot fused in 5 places. Long story short. I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program last month. I did the exercises and had an immediate change! Stronger, more fluid movement, not sore at all!

Before it was so painful for me to start walking, felt disjointed or something. NOW MY BODY MOVES AGAIN! This is a major game changer for me. Thank you.

Connie Curtis Claire

Dunellon, Florida, USA 

I use this Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program and in just one day and I had a 70 – 80% improvement, and now 2 days in a row of doing this Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program I am back to 100%!

There’s no doubt that this Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program is the key! I just want to thank you again for saving my ass, literally! 

Kristie Moore 

Owner, Enhance Studio Medi – Spa
Vernon, BC, Canada

I ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors about a month ago and it is fabulous. Tight psoas muscles run in our family and these easy exercises made a difference!

N. Mulder

Medical Doctor
Escondido, CA

Before using the Unlock Your Hip Flexors, my hips and glutes have been very tight. In the recent years, gluteals have been an issue (dry needling bent needle on first treatment)

But since I started using the Unlock Your Hip Flexors, my glutes and hips are not tight anymore. I also use your exercises to expand what PT has me doing and it is giving me great results.

Best thing about the Unlock Your Hip Flexors is, it is really proven and guaranteed! I have nothing to hate about this program.

All you need is a commitment to the program and wait for the awesome results!

Thank you. 

Mark Craig

Retired Educator
Denver, CO, United States

I have had hip pain for 3 years. I went to an orthopedic specialist, had x-rays and MRI all to no avail. Physical therapy did nothing. I also ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors and stayed out a couple of months ago. I can’t say I’m totally pain-free but close. The Unlock Your Hip Flexors is so easy it and doesn’t seem like it should work but it does!

I have always done a lot of stretching after my workout so I’m not sure what I wasn’t doing right but I don’t really care. I can walk and stand where I couldn’t before I started this program. It’s worth every penny. Thank you!

Sanda Detwiler

Retired Teacher
Everett, PA

I got the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program about 3 weeks ago. I am feeling stronger in my hips already. I had a left hip replacement and six months of PT didn’t help but this is helping!

Thank you.

Sherie Schmidt

Snohomish, WA
Stay at Home Mom

After a week or two of beginning the Unlock Your Hip Flexors routine, even while instinctively I could FEEL things activating and loosening up a bit, especially right after the routine, over a few weeks time I could feel tingling and little rush type tingles up and down my spine – like good tingles, not numb tingles but like – happy spiritual ones. I don’t know if this sounds weird or not but even the descriptions of how this muscle group is the “life muscle” or whatever… it’s been the coolest, most strange experience ever.

Thanks for these awesome videos and for sharing your knowledge. I would be happy to offer a short version of a review, but it looks like you have a lot of success helping a lot of people! Your customer service video was great about customers complaining and swearing and asking them to “Be Nice” hahaha awesome! We get a lot of that too in customer service with selling a product online. Great stuff. 

Todd Benson

Graphic Designer
Tucson, AZ

I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program through the authors website and it’s terrific. I’ve used some of the drills the past few weeks and it’s benefiting me significant. This is NOT a quick fix but it’s the real deal and will get you long-term results. Recommended!

Thank you

Darshan Weerasinghe

Strength and Conditioning Coach
Colombo, Sri Lanka

I ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises and finally opened it after a week of it sitting on a table. It really works! I’ve had hip pain on and off since 2003 after running. The last 2 years have been very painful and frustrating.

This Monday, I was able to run 2 miles straight pain-free. I kept waiting for my right hip to hurt during the run and especially after the run. I’m usually limping for a few days even after just running a mile. But no limping here.

I’ve done physical therapy (PT) in the past, including icing and taking lots of Advil, but they were only temporary fixes. I still incorporate some of the PT exercises with what I’m currently doing now though. However, the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises have been surprisingly effective in such a short time. It’s worth the investment!

Thank you.

Alvie Bello Yarian

Firestone, CO 

I love the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. I used to have chronic lower back pain but not anymore after using the program!

Unlock Your Hip Flexors is brilliant and easy to do!

Thank you.

Kristy Dee Swan

Musician and Personal Trainer
Chandler, AZ

I have downloaded the Unlock Your Hip Flexors. Excellent book. I have a very tight psoas which has caused extreme pain in the past. I mean morphine pain. Trapped nerves and hip rotation occurred because of this shortening. I do stretches but wondered what else I can do. Now I have answers. Thank you!

Antonia Head-Jenner Gauer

Medical Write and Magazine Editor
Chemainus, BC

I was skeptical but I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. The verdict is in. It really helps tremendously. I’m 85% better. I had a torn meniscus do to a car accident. Had surgery and a 1/4 of it was removed. I developed an extremely tight IT-BAND, Piriformis syndrome, tight hips and extreme lower back pain… My walking gate was compromised… Yes I had chiropractic care, still do. Yes I get monthly massages. I’ve trained in combative martial arts the last ten years but the last two years have not been as enjoyable but the Unlock Your Hip Flexors offers more hope than what I’ve had in a long time.

The first two days triggered sciatic nerve pain in both legs when doing planks so I omitted them but after a week of modifications planks are not a problem. LISTEN to your body. Physicians are good, I get annual check up but there aim is to make money. I seek their counsel but I don’t check my brains at the door. If anyone works this program they will see results. I’m flexible but still combat tightness which comes with age. People have very valid points – connective tissue damage being one.

Surgery should be the last resort. Strengthen & stretch.

Also, I thought I was going to have to stop working because I could barely walk without discomfort and pain. I’ve no more pain just periodical tightness which can be managed. I appreciate y’all. Most people would charge an arm and a leg but you guys have a great product for a very reasonable price.

Thank you.

Daryl Martin Anderson

Pittsboro, NC

I just received the Unlock Your Hip Flexors book and video two days ago. It is a well put together system. I have had horribly tight hip flexors for years and am hoping this will help. I definitely felt a bit of relief after doing it the last two nights. I am going to give it some time.

Thank you.

Andrea Hilborn

Massage Therapist
Phoenixville, PA

I just did the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program for the first time and it is very effective! Yay!

It is only a 10-minute routine, not too tough but I can see how much work needs to be done. I will definitely be continuing with this program. Kudos to Straight Posture Tips.

Thank you!

Victoria Parementer

Massage Therapist
Richmond, VA

I did the first day of Unlock Your Hip Flexors program this morning and can't believe the difference I felt.  I've had this  pain in my hip constantly for 3 weeks and bad sleep but Unlock your Hip Flexors seriously stopped the pain in all day which is AMAZING!

Thank you. 

Tracy McCabe

Cosmetic Tattooist
Melbourne, Australia 

I ordered & downloaded your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and did the 10 exercises. Wow, the most relief and expert help I have had in years! THANK YOU!

I have had painful overuse issues in my hip flexors and Unlock Your Hip Flexors is extremely helpful. I appreciate your expertise.

Ellie May Higgins

Certified Group Fitness Instructor & dancer
Mattapoisett, MA

What I have noticed by doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors is my hips are getting stronger and therefore releasing the pain in my lower back and legs.

I just used it for two days but I really can tell the difference. This is a wonderful program, it has helped me immensely. Thank you.

Lisa Box Barker

Ripley, Mississippi

I have been using the Unlock Your Hip Flexors for the last 6 weeks or so. It has helped me. My hip and low back pain has decreased immensely and I can now plank!

I am 5 months post op from a fractured back and I have some arthritis in my low back. I will definitely recommend this to my friends and family! Thank you.

Karen Karcher

Registered Nurse
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

I ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and in less than a week’s time I have gotten great results.

It is very easy to follow and doesn’t take much time!

Thank you.

MaryGaye LaBeouf

Oklahoma City, USA

As a health professional myself, I’m so happy to have stumbled across “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” for both myself and the clients I work with. I personally deal with a lot of tightness and compression of my hips as the nature of my sports (speed skating, cycling) coupled with my drumming career lends itself to a lot of problems in the surrounding areas. Not only do the musicians that I work with experience similar issues, but anyone that spends a large amount of time during the day seated in front of the computer for work will often ask me “how can I stop feeling like this?”

Before I found Unlock Your Hip Flexors, I felt pretty good, I was able to utilize some hip flexor stretches and active release therapy, but found that the tightness of my hips and lower back pain was coming back after a day of sitting writing programs, playing drums or making video content. Since I’ve incorporated the hip flow sequence, I have seen noticeable improvements in my squat pattern, and no longer have a pain in my back after I sit for too long if I haven’t stretched that day.

I think the most valuable piece of Unlock Your Hip Flexors is really how easy it is to follow. Rick goes into great detail on “why” the stuff works and not just “what” you need to do… that makes a huge difference to a guy like me – competitive athlete, health coach and trainer myself – I need to know why, so I can understand the science behind it. But that also gives the folks that are new to exercise the ability to learn and effectively combat their own physical ailments associated with messy hips.

Listen, I’m stoked to incorporate these movements into any of the programs I create for both myself and any of my clients, the sequence is brilliant and has made a huge positive impact in bettering my life. If you are looking for an easy to use, daily regimen whether it’s just a warm up or a beach workout on vacation, this program will help you become the best version of yourself. Invest in Unlock Your Hip Flexors!

Mike Schwartz

Canadian Music Industry’s
High Performance Health Coach, Owner – Team Schwartz
Calgary, AB, Canada

Before using Unlock Your Hip Flexors, I had been experiencing pelvic pain and hamstring tightness after I seemed to hurt myself doing some sprints. I also bought the “Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings”. Within one week the pain was gone and I was having no trouble running. I had been doing other exercises and stretches for 4 weeks prior to buying your programs with no results.

I continue to do the routines at least 4 times a week. I also bought your Forward Head Posture Fix program, which I am thrilled with and I still do this one 3 times a week. I don’t know if it is a coincidence but I have lost 2 and 1/2 kilos. I am sleeping better as I don’t get tightness in my piriformis muscle that used to wake me up with pain.

I have referred many of my patients to your site, I tell them your programs are simple, effective and very comprehensive.

Linda Lowen

Naturopath in Adelaide
South Australia

After 2 weeks of doing Unlock Your Hip Flexors every day, my hips are feeling great. Yesterday was the first day that I didn’t even have the conscious thought of “My hips hurt.” I didn’t realize it until going to bed yesterday how pain-free they were.

It’s an awesome product for your buck!

Jordan Bencharski

Calgary, Alberta Canada

Hi Rick, I had some problems at first. I was unaware that the lump in my glutes was my hip flexor poking through. I found this out when my hip locked up & my doctor checked it out. He looked at the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises & agreed that it would fix the problem.

Since this discovery the lump is getting smaller & the hip pain is regressing nicely. At least I sleep 4-5 hours before it wakes me. That’s a great improvement from where I started. So thank you. 

Kay Lanier

Visalia, California

I am a very active 62-year old woman but I broke my arm and injured my elbow before Christmas, and have been exercising such as HIIT and weights, walking. But recently I felt knee pain in one leg.

After doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program just once, my knee pain disappeared. I am now doing it everyday, followed by Unlock Your Hamstring exercises, as a warm up to my other workout. I already recommended this program.

Linda Arnold

Retired Professional
Pézenas, South France

I am elated with the results of your Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercise program and can’t thank you enough for your help. From the first time I tried the exercises, the relief was immediate. I’m sure I look and feel slimmer and I stand straighter and walk taller. I am truly grateful.

Before the program, the aching and tightness in my lower back had troubled me for some 20 years or more. As a news journalist (subeditor mostly), I spend many hours at a computer keyboard. And I can see now how all that sitting had seized up the muscles in my middle area.

Now I experience next to no ache. If I do I just do the exercises and I feel great again. The best thing about the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is being able to obtain such quick relief and understanding what the trouble was and having a ready solution at hand.

I am recommending the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises to anyone who wants to know about them. I tell them the exercises are really simple, easy to follow and in the end, don’t require much effort at all. And the quick results speak for themselves.

Again, many thanks for your practical wisdom and easy-to-understand explanations. I live in New Zealand, and if you are ever down this way, I would love to meet you and shake your hand.


Arthur Barnes

News Journalist
Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises are helping. I feel relief from the tightness in my hip flexor on the right side which I have for 20 yrs.

Thank you!

Andrew Podolak

Former FBI Special Agent and Martial Arts Instructor
Linden, VA outside Washington, DC

Rick, big thank you for the exercises you created to Unlock Your Hip Flexors. I ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises program for my husband.

He had a pain and had to walk with a walking stick, even that was with great difficulty. He wanted to see a chiropractor but when I showed him your exercises and he immediately started doing them.

Fantastic! his pain was minimized and could walk now without any aid. He is going to make it his lifestyle doing the exercises.

Thank you again and God bless you!

Ivy Yeo

Retired Professional

I wanted to thank you for Unlock Your Hip Flexors. I’ve never written a testimonial before, but that program has quite literally made me feel like a different person. I feel looser, leaner, and I have none of the pain and stiffness in my lower back that had plagued me for decades.

It’s truly amazing. And the results were apparent in the first couple of days. Thank you so much! 

Cathy Lawrence

Voice Teacher
New York City, NY

About The Author

Rick Kaselj, MS, has over 20 years of hands-on experience helping people overcome injury and pain. He is the guy who teaches other fitness professionals the newest techniques for helping their own clients. To date, Rick has given over 300 live presentations to over 6000 health and fitness professionals across North America. If you are suffering from pain or injury, Rick’s solutions can get you back to a healthy life. 

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